Using cameras
Patrick and Barbara of the Forest Special School share their ideas on using photography as a teaching and learning tool. This case study is made up of a series of original and useful vignettes to aid teaching and learning in everyday situations including examples of both literal and cognitive reflection.
Growing plants
Laura, Karen and Louise of Ravenhall Special School share their experiences of growing plants with P level students. There are some good tips here. This is a scheme of work specific activity.
Using Velcro
Patrick and Barbara of the Forest Special School share ideas about using that product made famous by the space race, Velcro, as a teaching and learning tool. This case study is made up of a series of original and useful vignettes to aid teaching and learning in everyday situations, including a Velcro periodic table and apparatus labelling.
A graph drawing tool
Sarah, Trevor, Matthew and team from King Ecgbert's share their ideas and experiences on graph plotting. This includes how to make an A4 acetate graph paper frame that helps students plot a graph using tactile senses as much as visual ones, making for an SEN student friendly approach.
Evidencing progress
Laura, Karen and Louise of Ravenhall Special School share novel and original ideas on how P level students can share their progress made in science lessons including using a blog for evidencing progress. This case study fits nicely with the Growing Plants example.
A kinaesthetic food web
Sarah, Trevor, Matthew and team from King Ecgbert's share their experience of an engaging and interactive classroom activity to help students understand food webs and food pyramids. This is a scheme of work specific activity.
Using frames
Helen and Karen from Birley Community College share their ideas on developing a series of A3 and A4 templates to assist SEN students in their understanding of key science lessons through a structured and visual approach. This helps to support continuity in lessons for Student, Teaching Assistant and Teacher.
A sense of wonder
Stephen, Lynne and Rachael of Ravenshall School in Dewsbury have created their own physical 'Wonder Zone' space containing a range of stimulating artefacts and ephemera to help motivate their students.
Using wireless devices
Patrick & Barbara at The Forest School use tablets, games consoles and other wireless computing technologies to enhance the teaching and learning experience of their students.